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Craft for a Cause!

Those who participate pay a $25 registration fee. You are given a section of table to use for the day. You receive a continental breakfast, soup and salad luncheon and a taco bar theme dinner as well as snacks for the day. During the day we'll have on going raffles and all the money brought in that day goes to help us with our mission. The Ionia, Kent, Montcalm Blue Star Mothers participate in the VA Stand Down. This benefits homeless Veterans. We pack a reusable cloth grocery sack with toiletries and snacks. We also provide a new t-shirt, a pair of underwear and a pair of socks. These bags are then given to any Veteran who attends the event.

Donations can be mailed to
Blue Star Mothers MI-188,
PO Box 366,
Lakeview, MI 48850.

click here for registration form download



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