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Hells Hallways by Kimber Renee

Amber Lee was raised in a small country town known by the mail service as the bible belt. There was a time when she was a little girl that all of the Jesus and bible stuff gave her comfort. But experience and Pharisee’s ruined her little girl beliefs. It was just her and her mother. Her father walked out when she was two years old.......

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The Gang Bust by Dorothy May Mercer

This novel is meant for you. Sit back and get lost in a good old- fashioned read, You deserve a time-out. In this Mike McBride Novel, hero cop Det. Lt. Mike McBride brings about a successful raid on the West Coast Cartel, and breaks up a baby-kidnapping and smuggling ring stretching from the Governor's Mansion in New Mexico to Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. Mike becomes a nationally recognized hero and delivers a ringing speech in the Senate that will challenge any notions held about illegal immigration. Meanwhile, his family and friends' lives progress with success, fun, romance, childbirth and an exciting and surprise ending.......

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